Still in Bussiness

     It's been a couple of days since my last post but I'm here to make known that I'm still committed to this site, and promise to post at least twice a week. I've been a little preoccupied with my Facebook and Instagram accounts as of late, and having been posting faithfully on each platform for the last month on the daily, I suppose it's only natural. Despite how focused I am on those accounts, I want my readers to know that you are just as important to me as any followers I may gain. Success is a team effort. No one can accomplish anything without support. It may sound lame, but if I can make even one person smile, or become motivated, or to think that what I have to say is something that resonates with them, then my job for the day has been accomplished.
     With that being said, I'm here to announce this weeks and next weeks projects. There's quite a bit going on. Between shipping out commissions, working on another two, as well as completing some side projects-- I suppose you could say life's a bit busy. But there is a lot to look forward to. This week, I'm working on finishing an abstract that sprouted from a friend's old painting, the before pictured below, and a couple commissions; including an album cover for an indie rap artist, and a portrait of a friends son.

Friend’s Painting/ Before

      I’m also hoping to make a how-to-draw eye video soon, and create a side piece from a stacked-shells reference photo a friend sent me. As shells aren’t really something I’ve ever drawn before I felt it would make great practice. Lots to do! 
     They say writing things down causes goals to come into fruition, and I'd be lying if I'd said that's not what I’m doing here, because it definitely is. Writing about it and furthermore publishing about it holds me accountable for my actions, and causes me to want to see it through. When it comes to myself, I’ll usually hold off on things that only affect me, but when others are involved I do my best to see through whatever task I’ve been handled, and as quickly, efficiently and as skillfully as I can. 
     Speaking of skill, next week I’ll be participating in the 100 portraits in 10 days challenge, which will, as the name implies, be a quite difficult task to complete. But I seek to improve, and I felt this was one of the best ways to do so. It will embody speedy sketches, yet require acute attention to details in the face structure in order to accurately represent a friend or stranger. I’m nervous to draw so many but also anxious to get started. You can follow my process on Instagram or Facebook, as I’ll surely be posting on those platforms each passing day of the challenge. You are welcome to add any input: opinions, advice or otherwise. Or simply stop by to see and perhaps give a like. Anything is appreciated. So, on that note, “let’s do this!” 


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