My Sun

My Sun

by Skylan Abraham 

The Sun shines brightly.

My son, 

my sons, 

my Sun.

On days of heart-ache

and downpour,

the Sun engulfs me in its warmth.

My sons, 

with cuddles and kisses, 

give me reason

to push on.


Their father,

my best friend,

the pollinator

of these radiant, beautiful, sun-


Loves me 

even in my darkest


and nights. 

I love the sunshine

my lover, 

and my sons,

gift to me.

Thrown into the well, 

this gift falls gracefully,

and relieves this deep, dark

heart of mine. 

So, Sun,

my sons,

I ask you, please-


and shine on. 

Not for my sake.

I can watch you from afar. 

You're sun,

your happiness,

comes first.

And on days

where your Sun struggles

to radiate,

I'll do my best

to clear the clouds

that forsake your heart,

so that you can carry on

as I have. 

With love. 


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