Unrequited Love Hurts Like Hell

Prompt 3 of our Piccadilly "Write the Poem" challenge: First Love

My first love

was an unrequited one. 

It's those kinds of loves

that hurt the most. 

Watching from afar,

I admired you from a distance, 

although I was presented with many chances

to get to know you; gifts I took advantage of,

ever so shyly.

You were a star to me;

out of reach. 

My heart melted at the sound of your laugh,

and pained for the beauty of your heart

that was so often overlooked

because of who your father was. 

We were good friends,

you and I,

and I wish nothing else

but for your happiness. 

You deserve nothing less,

with a soul as good as yours. 

My first love, 

the fact that we would never be 

used to pain my existence,

but if your happiness lies in the hands of another,

as mine now regards,

than I wish you the opportunity,

and safety

of that love,

as I have been blessed. 

My first love, 

there will always remain admiration

for you in my heart. 

Know that, 

if you feel loveless, 

there will always be someone that cares. 

Thanks for the precious memories I have of you,

from the days of our youth.

I'll treasure them always, 

as you continue your road of life:

until love finds you,

and you meet its pursuits.

Treasure that happiness, 

the happiness that love ensues.   


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