
"Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

     If I could round up today's artist's landscapes in just a few words, I'd iterate, "nature and the sum of all its intricacies."

It's through artist Tamkeen Fatima's details and close observation skills (oftentimes going hand-in-hand) that these scenes shine. For this first landscape, it's the reflection of sun on snow; the slight pink, orange, and yellow tones lead our eyes down the center of this terrain towards the sun, pulling us in, seemingly granting us first-person witness upon an inspiring scene. 

    In this piece, the juxtaposition of the trees complement one another, creating balance: first veering right, then going left, and then finally spreading around as we reach the back of the scene, creating a sense of depth and vastness. This piece feels open, soul-embracing.


From the colors of the ocean (the greens along the shore, the purples and navys as the ocean pushes back, and the yellows reflecting the sun) to the detail and textures of the rocks, grass, and trees, this next landscape is just as intricate as the first. You can almost sense the force of the waves as they hit against the rocks; tall and powerful. 
    I can imagine the warmth of the sun and the cold refreshing breeze often sent outwards onto land from the ocean. Such a tranquil-looking view. 

    The artist states,
    "I like experimenting with different mediums like acrylic, charcoal, color pencil, oil. Recently I've started experimenting more with color pencils. However, acrylics are my favorite. I usually paint landscapes that make me feel at peace and I want to be in that place. So every time I look at it I get lost in it. Sometimes I choose landscapes as a challenge. If I feel something is very detailed, I enjoy trying to make it look as real as I can with the details"
    As great as the details are, sometimes it's fun to experiment with different styles and aesthetics, pushing your personal technique in a new, unfamiliar way to see what you can create. This landscape triptych below, for example, follows a more surreal route, with a monochromatic palette paired with a complementary background color (our monochromatic being the purple, velvet, and pink of the trees, while the yellow background serves as our complement). It's different than our artist's other landscapes, but beautiful all the same. 

    Pushing the limits further, pictured below are Fatima's travel series, done in charcoal. Practicing city scenery, experimenting with texture, and using monochromatic shades to create her 2-D spaces, she gives them depth and mystery, reminding me almost of black and white movie stills. 

    Not only does Fatima create landscapes, but she also does henna art, creating these convoluted, beautiful designs below.  I absolutely love how complicated these designs seem; the left reminds me of floral arrangements, and the finger designs on the right remind me of lattice flower beds. 

    Thank you Tamkeen Fatima for allowing me to feature your work, I look forward to your future creations!

    If you'd like to check out other artworks by Fatima, follow the link to her Instagram.

    Stop by tomorrow for the latest guest post by Andrea Geones, Titled "Face Blindness."



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