New to the Blog: Tuesday Verse


    Announcing a new segment to the blog is always an exciting venture, and I'm happy to share that every Tuesday from today onward I will be posting poetry written by yours truly. I hope you'll join us in the enjoyment of verse.
    Today's poem is an original; told from a mother's perspective.  

Peanut Butter Crackers
By: Skylan Abraham

I often munch
on peanut butter crackers
a gentle,
and tasty pairing
between protein and carb.

Like mother and son,
stuck together so closely,
a sweet reliance
on one another;

A cracker without peanut butter
is just plain.

Son at her hip,
she knows her importance.

She feels bittersweet,
for one day his necessity of her
will undoubtedly end.

What will she do then?

Who will she be?

Questions that heed no answer,
until the thought of this future
meets day.

She's afraid.
Her love for him is so great.

Please don't forget your mother,
and her love
for peanut butter crackers.


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