The Search for Galleries

"She'll never make money at these vendor events..."

At first, that statement sounded rather harsh, but then he said, 

"Because she's a fine artist, and her work needs hung up in galleries, where people go to BUY art."

Until I heard that, I had only briefly considered hanging my art up in galleries. I thought vendor events would be the best way to go-- they're local and lots of people attend the events. 

But there's a "tough love" reality about that statement that has inspired me to search for galleries in my area and submit my artwork for consideration...

Just to see where it leads.

It's a new endeavor, so no luck yet- but I'll keep looking, and update you when my works gets accepted somewhere. 

Perhaps the Riffe Gallery in Colombus, OH. 

Or Ginko Gallery and Studio in Oberlin, OH. 

I have a lot of research to do... 

But stay tuned for details of the process and acceptance. 

I'm rather excited to share the experience with you. 


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