Music On The Square

Vendor events are quite scary to be a part of. 

At least at first.

Music On The Square in New Philadelphia was my third vendor event in the last two years, and I had a great time. 

But the initial fear was still there. 

Until I met my vendor neighbor. His name was Joey. 

He was friendly and I enjoyed talking with him, and he helped me relax. 


Setting up was a fairly easy process this time. 

I was running late initially, but was lucky enough to find a parking spot close to my vendor area so unloading was easy, and Joey was nice enough to help out. 

Setup was easier this time around as well. I didn't bring everything with me. 

By "everything" I mean the paintings I have hung up at the Artisans on Canal shop in Bolivar, OH. 

My cars a bit too small to handle a 2' x 4' painting safely. 😅

But I still had plenty to show. 

The event was from 3pm-10pm, so I took an old painting I had stuffed in my closet and worked on it to help the hours pass by.


I figured 7 hours would be enough to revamp this piece, but before the painting was even considered "done" a woman came up to me asking to buy it as was. 

She didn't want me to do anything further to it, and I sold it to her for 25 dollars. 

It's less than I would have initially asked, but she was happy to buy it and I was happy to see it finally find a home. 

my makeshift palette of masking tape

What the painting looked like when it sold

It was the first time in awhile that I used oil paints, so I was really happy someone took to it right away. 

That was a few hours into the event, so I had to find something else to do to pass the time, but I didn't mind. 

All kinds of people attended the event. 

I had great conversation with some, usually at the mention of a cool anime shirt or of my Stranger Things top I had just bought at Walmart that day (if you haven't watched this Netflix show, you need to) and it felt nice to connect with people.

The musicians playing on stage were talented, and the other vendors had some amazing stuff.

I actually ended up buying more than I sold, but being surrounded by so much talent, I really couldn't help myself. 

Artists typically support other artists, because we understand each other's struggle- I just go over the top sometimes 😂


It was a great event, and I'll definitely be participating again. 

As for what the future holds, I've got another event in October- maybe even two, depending. 
  • AOTA- Art On The Alley (Oct 16)
  • Con on the Cob (Oct 6)
I am also going to be contacting the Stark County Fair to talk about their Fine Arts show, and I was told to mention a woman named Gloria (she was one of the women I met at yesterday's event). 


The future holds so many exciting possibilities. 

I can't wait to see where life takes me next. 


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