change never rests

If you've been following this blog, then you're probably wondering why I have been inactive lately. 

As many of you know, life has a way of... changing. 

And well, there's been a lot of changes. 

The biggest change is that I've started a new job. 

My main job for the last 1.5 years was as a stay-at-home-mom. 

If you don't consider this a job, consider the housely/wifely duties and how they'd transfer into the real world.


  • cooking (personal chef- $31k - $101k yr)
  • cleaning (maid- $27k yr
  • taking care of the children's needs (caretaker- 31.4k yr)
  • tracking the bills/payments (accountant- 64k yr)
  • setting appointments (secretary- 40k yr) etc.. etc...
Anyways, that aside, I've recently taken up as a freelancer for a company called EarthMade. 

My titles vary from copywriter to creative specialist, and I am currently writing daily for the EarthMade product newsletter.

I've always wanted to work from home, and I'm truly grateful to be given the opportunity to do so.

But because of this new focus on EarthMade, my blog had been on the backburner a bit. 

But no worries! 

Starting Monday, I hope to post at least once or twice a week.  

Owning a successful blog has been a dream of mine for awhile now. 

And following dreams is so important, even if you have a day-job!

I work for an amazing company!


The second biggest change was that my husband and I almost moved back to Florida.

In the midst of packing, I started having second thoughts on whether it was the best move. 

Ohio is my home. My family and friends are all up here.  

Would I really be ok if I left for miserable Fort Myers again?

I bet you're wondering, "if it's so miserable, why were you considering it in the first place?"

The short answer is because my husband and I wanted our children to grow up and attend school with their cousins. 

And as much as I love them, the only option we had while living down there was to live with my husband's mother until we could save enough to move into our own place. 

I was alright with the idea, until I read a text exchange between my husband and her.

Let's just say it started a fire in me. 

I was never going to be good enough for her. 

I was never going to win her opinion. 

A familiar story. 

And frankly, why would I want to live with someone who thought badly of me? 

SO- moving to Florida (even though I finished packing all the boxes) was off the table, for now. 


The third change is that my brother moved in. 

He didn't have much so it was an easy move. 

But now there's 4 children in the house, and a fifth child was born two days ago (July 13th).

Eventually, the house total will equal 9 between my brother and I.

Myself, my husband and 3 kids.

And my brother, his gf, and his 2 kids (not his gf's kids though, he's got joint custody for both).  

Although it's been enjoyable having everyone here, it's also been a huge adjustment.

Eventually he and his gf will move out, and things will return to normal. 

But hopefully he'll find somewhere close. 


And as of today, three things are on my mind. 

  • My Mom's bday (also tomorrow night)
  • And my husband's mom visiting on Tuesday (she doesn't know I've read the texts, but I hold no ill-will toward her. She is who she is, and I can't force her to like me.) *update: she ended up not visiting 
I'm sure everything will work out, but if anything goes sideways, you'll be one of the first to know.  

Until next week, 

Sky of The Bucket Digest


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