Starting Next Saturday...


    As this blog grows, I want to thank you all for supporting me in its journey. I'm so grateful to announce that I am currently negotiating with fellow bloggers and collaborating on weekly guest posts. 

A Ms. Andrea Geones will be posting every Saturday starting Saturday, February 26th.  

    If you would like to take a break from the art posts, come by for a breath of fresh air from the Californian side. Based in LA, California, Andrea is an actress by day and a student by night, working towards a degree in Nutritional Science. She's the author/co-owner of, where their mission states:

    "We are a community committed to activism through art and conversation. Words Between Coasts strives to help people find their voices, and use storytelling to touch souls and change lives. We are the stories that matter! Exchange ideas. Share your story. Be heard."

    I am so honored to have her as a guest writer, and I'm so looking forward to her posts and the things we'll achieve through this endeavor as a team. 

    Thank you to all my readers, with great things to come, signing off:

    Skylan Abraham of Sky's Art Bucket and Art by FIB


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